Mental Health and Resilience Needs Assessments

We have developed the Mental Health and Resilience Mapping method. This is a solution that allows us to identify the mental health and resilience issues present in communities or population-groups and then to determine the level of affectation, link the affectation with behavior patterns and identify the most pertinent emotional assets to be mobilized in order to address the mental health and resilience issues.

Our mapping method works exclusively with the abstract, subjective and qualitative essence of mental health and resilience dimensions. Then, it translates the data units into operational information that you are accustomed to: %, #, ratios, levels, etc.

With the behavior and emotional assets mapping, we collect and interpret facts from each dimension of the ecological model to breakdown the structure of those dimensions into its components, enabling you to identify the problematic links, unstable processes and hindering factors.


Advantages provided to needs assessments based on our Mental Health & Resilience Mapping


Full visualization of mental health and resilience-building issues, to clarify and inform your planning decisions about goals, results, promising strategies and activities.

Holistic view

Clear identification of relations between values related to mutuality, connectedness, and sense of community.


Issues tracking

Behavior and emotional assets mapping can be easily linked with your M&E system to track changes, identify obstacles and take decisions to redress your strategy or activities.

Community Empowerment

Our assessments embed a community-based approach which allow us to inquire if communities are interested in addressing the problem or need and how they could participate in the process. In this way, our mapping raises awareness, enhances the capacities of groups and communities and helps empower them even before the intervention starts.