Training - Life project rebuilding.
Despite what common sense dictates, arriving in to a new country is not a win-win situation. Most refugees have developed short-term emotional strategies to cope with the hard conditions of daily life.
In conflict and post-conflict contexts, the value of human life is diminished. Therefore, psychosocial interventions based on individualistic approaches cannot reach the way as refugees symbolize and emotionally elaborate their future. This workshop will enable MHPSS teams to develop a social-Self vision that allows them to find ways to intervene on factors that block the building of life projects.
Psychosocial issues targeted.
This workshop fits your needs if your intervention faces the following issues:
- Prolonged grief disorder
- Depression
- Family isolation
- Emotional stagnation
- Sibling bullying
- Parent-child/child-parent bullying
- Aggressiveness
- Suicide ideation
- Risky behaviors
- Gang creation or participation